
The Proven Step-by-step System to
Overcome Your Fear of Falling

Taught by Hazel Findlay, brought to you by Magnus Midtbø


For climbers of all levels

30+ in-depth video lessons, coaching sessions, and demonstrations to help you reach your true potential

Lifetime Access

Learn at your own pace with full lifetime access to all course materials, plus you’ll be protected by our 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Enroll Now

One payment of $249 (USD)


Three monthly payments of $99 (USD)

Are You Ready to
Overcome Your Fear of Falling?


What would it feel like if you could…

Jump on Any Climb Without Hesitation

Climb at Your Limit and Try Hard Routes Without Fear

Stay Focused and Locked In (And Never Worry About Falling)

Climb with Joy, Passion, and Flow (Leave Hesitation and Nervousness Behind)

What do you think is the biggest obstacle that holds back climbers?

It’s not strength.

It’s not technique.

And it’s not how hard they try.

It’s actually fear. It’s fear of falling, fear of getting injured, and fear of the unknown.

Now, for some, this fear is big, overwhelming, and obvious:

“I was on a beautiful limestone 12a route in central Idaho. The crux was mid route and required a committing, gaston move. I immediately froze. I hung out on the crux holds for 4 minutes just trying to work up the courage to fall, instead of just reaching for the next hold. I repeatedly told my belayer, “okay..falling…” but just couldn’t make myself let go. I burned the majority of my energy just crimping for dear life.”
- Kaitlyn, Age 30

“When I’m bouldering and doing a move that I’m not fully confident! I can’t think straight, my tongue goes numb, and I bail out and climb down.”
- Ruby, Age 22

“I was climbing indoors on a 50 foot wall. It was an easy climb. I started to tense up and feel my limbs freeze. I had nearly no control of my mind and body and started to panic heavily. I asked for my belayer to lower me and I came down..”
- Nicklaus, Age 19

Your body freezes up and your mind runs wild. Your hands get sweaty and you worry about all the possible scenarios.

If that’s you, you’re in the right place. And we’ll show you how you can overcome it.

But for most climbers, fear can be a lot more subtle…

In fact many climbers aren’t even aware of how much fear (especially fear of falling) is holding them back.

Here are 7 questions to discover how fear impacts your climbing.

Do You Have Fear of Falling?
7 Questions to Ask Yourself


Take a moment and think through each of these questions and scenarios, being completely honest with yourself.

How often do you fall?
Not saying “Take,” not telling your belayer you’re about to fall, not jumping off the boulder, but actually taking a fall. If your answer is anything other than “multiple times every session,” fear of falling probably plays a role in your climbing.

What does falling feel like?
Do you close your eyes, hold your breath, tense your body, or make a noise (a grunt, yell, or scream)? All these are signs of stress and indicate the presence of fear.

Do you ever truly climb at your limit?
Imagine a climb that’s way too hard for you. What comes up for you? Is there any kind of aversion to being above the bolt, high on the boulder, or on top rope with some slack in the system while going for a move? If this is true for you, fear is at play.

Do you get anxious as you get further away from the bolt or higher up on a boulder?
And, when you clip the next quick draw does your body tension dissipate? Does your anxiety fall away? If this experience is familiar, this is a sign of fear of falling.

How often do you say “take”?
“Take!” can be used strategically during a climb. But if you are someone who always says “take,” and then goes for it after figuring out the moves, underlying fear or hesitation probably plays a role.

Do you depend on routines like using clip sticks, top roping a route first, following instead of leading, or having someone else place quickdraws for you?
While useful in certain scenarios, often these routines can act as “comfort blankets” to deal with fear and discomfort.

Do you avoid certain styles or types of routes?
If you find yourself consistently steering clear of roofs, steep overhangs, slabs, or routes with tricky sequences, it’s likely that they trigger your fear.

If you recognize any of your climbing patterns in these questions, you can benefit from working on your fear (and you’ll benefit a lot more than you might think).

And as a first step to work on your fear, it’s important for you to know…


It’s Not Just You – Almost Every Climber Experiences Fear of Falling

Many climbers would rather say they’re too weak to do a certain move, or that a route was too pumpy, over admitting that they were simply too afraid or too nervous to go for it.

“I try to push through my fear. But instead, most times I do a halfass effort and pretend I am too pumped.” - Alex, Age 27

Being afraid has an element of embarrassment to it. So instead of admitting it, many climbers hide it.

Because oftentimes we don’t share when we’re afraid, it creates a misconception about how common fear of falling actually is.

So climbers who struggle with it end up falsely believing they’re in the minority. That somehow “real climbers” aren’t afraid– that “those climbers” are just braver and more courageous.

“If I could overcome fear of falling, I could climb harder routes, be a “real” climber. I could climb more free and enjoy the freedom more.” - Manuela, Climbing for 6 years

However, fear of falling is one of the most innate human fears. It comes built in!

And there are a lot more climbers that struggle with it than you might think – regardless of their grade, how long they’ve been climbing, or how confident they might look on the outside.

Yet, the good news is it is possible to overcome your fear of falling – and not only this, you can actually begin to enjoy falling.

“I hate to fail, but I love to fall.” - Adam Ondra

And you might be surprised to hear that it’s easier than you might think to overcome your fear of falling. The entire proven process takes less than 6 weeks to turn your relationship with falling around and doesn’t require you to “push through it” or even be uncomfortable. In fact, when you do it right, it’s actually really fun the whole way!

Imagine what would be possible for you…


How Would You Climb if Fear Wasn’t a Factor?

If fear of falling is part of the experience for you, what would it be like if you could climb without it?

If you could access flow and feel really focused, keep your attention 100% on the climbing and the moves…

  • What different climbs would you try?
  • What trips would you go on?
  • Who would you climb with?
  • What experiences would you have if this thing just wasn’t there limiting you?

Picture yourself at the crag or at the gym, eyeing the route you’ve always wanted to climb—not the one that feels safe, but the one that excites you, challenges you, and makes your heart race with anticipation.

Now imagine that falling feels like jumping into a bed of feathers, soft and effortless, freeing you to push your limits without hesitation.

Instead of dreading a trip or being scared of embarrassment, it is possible to be relaxed, happy, and fully present, embracing every moment of the adventure.

Imagine the freedom, the exhilaration, the pure joy of climbing exactly what you want to climb—without fear holding you back.

This is all possible!

And we’ll show you how.

But before we dig into what actually helps, we first need to dispel the most common falling advice and become aware of the coping strategies we intuitively fall into, that actually make things worse.

Here are the three most common fear solutions and why they don’t work:


Three Fear “Solutions” That
Further Ingrain Your Fear

If you’ve tried to deal with fear yourself, you may have tried one (or all) of these three common coping strategies that actually make things worse.


1. Trying to control (or avoid) falling

In order to feel safer, you may develop habits to “control” falling. Maybe you top rope a climb first, avoid tricky climbs or sections, or tell your belayer every time when you’re about to fall.

What you’re actually doing here is avoiding the fall rather than fully going for the climb and allowing yourself to fall mid-move.

The result is when you avoid feeling uncomfortable, it actually further ingrains the fear. You’re telling your brain that falling is scary and something that needs to be avoided at all costs.


2. Telling yourself you’re “safe”

You look at a climb and already get a bit nervous. You repeatedly tell yourself it’ll be a safe fall, your friends already did it, it’s fine. You try to psych yourself up for the climb.

The problem (which you probably already know): this just does NOT work.

And not only this, it actually makes it worse. You can’t logic your way out of it.

Although it’s important to focus on physical safety, simply telling yourself that you’re safe or rationalizing is not going to work. If it were that easy, no one would ever be scared on the wall!

It’s not about making a climb objectively “safe,” it’s about the experience on the wall.

Your fear response is a general alarm system—your brain struggles to distinguish between real threats and perceived ones. This is why you can’t just think your way out of being scared.


3. Just taking more falls!

You’ve probably been told this before— “Just take more falls, and eventually you’ll stop being afraid.”

It’s a common refrain at the gym or the crag, where well-meaning climbers suggest that the only way to conquer fear is to keep throwing yourself off the wall. But while the intention is good, this approach often misses the mark and can sometimes do more harm than good.

If you take falls while you’re too stressed, tense, or afraid – it not only does nothing to eradicate or reduce your fear, it actually deeply ingrains fear.

In the “best case,” you’re slightly too stressed.

In the worst case, you’re so petrified and tense that you don’t want to do it again. And if you were slightly anxious about falling before, now it becomes unmanageable.

There are countless stories where a well-meaning climbing partner encourages their friend to “just take a whipper” to ease their fear, which actually leads them to give up lead climbing for longer.


Most of us have done one or all of these things in an attempt to overcome fear while climbing. It’s completely normal.

The good news is there is a proven, evidence-based solution to overcome your fear that has worked for thousands of climbers.

The Antidote to Fear

Whether you struggle with fear of falling, fear of getting injured, fear of heights, fear of the unknown or fear of giving up control – they’re all connected to falling – and the process to unlearn each of these fears is exactly the same.

And the way to do this is through Structured Fall Practice.

Structured Fall Practice is a deliberate practice where each fall is carefully calibrated to ensure it adds to your repertoire of positive experiences.

This requires a certain amount of preparation (which we’ll come to) and a careful calibration of what falls to take.

Through Structured Fall Practice you’ll collect repeated positive experiences that signal to your brain that falling is indeed safe – and you don’t need to be afraid, fully removing or drastically reducing your fear within just a few sessions.

The key is choosing your challenge level and making falling fun. Effective fall practice is about finding the sweet spot where you’re pushing yourself just enough without overwhelming your nervous system. This requires self-awareness—an understanding of your stress responses and knowing when you’re overstressed or under-stressed.

By tuning in to your body and mind, you can manage your challenge level, making each fall an opportunity for growth rather than a source of anxiety. When you strike that balance, falling becomes a natural, even enjoyable, part of the climbing experience.

And there’s nobody better to teach this process than Hazel Findlay.


Meet Hazel – Who Has Helped Thousands of Climbers Overcome Their Fear of Falling

Hazel Findlay is the ideal person to teach how to overcome the fear of falling in climbing because she’s been there herself.

While many know Hazel as one of the boldest climbers, most accomplished in the world today, few realize she almost gave up climbing altogether. Early in her career, fear and stress threatened to take away the joy she found in the sport, nearly driving her to quit. But instead, Hazel embarked on a personal journey to understand her fear, confront it, and ultimately conquer it.

Hazel transformed her understanding of climbing psychology into her strength, becoming the first woman to climb a British trad route at E9 and the first British woman to sport climb 8c and free climb El Capitan in Yosemite—four times, no less.

Her boldness has led her to put up first ascents on big walls in Greenland and achieve some of the most challenging grades in both sport and trad climbing, including a 9a (5.14d) sport route and 14c/8c+/E10/11 trad.

She has developed a deep understanding of the psychology behind fear and dedicated herself to studying how fear affects climbers – including a Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology and Neuroscience from King’s College London. This knowledge, combined with her experience on some of the most daunting climbs in the world, makes her uniquely equipped to help others.

Hazel and her partner Angus have already helped thousands of climbers overcome their fear of falling by developing a proven system designed to empower climbers to face their fears.

By learning from Hazel, you're getting more than just techniques to manage fear; you're gaining access to the insights of a climber who’s been on some of the gnarliest routes in the world.

And with this…



Hazel Findlay’s

Proven Step-by-Step Approach to Overcome Fear of Falling in Just 6 Weeks

A course designed for climbers of all levels.

An evidence-based system for definitively overcoming your fear of falling. Hazel and her partner Angus explain how fear develops, why most climbers struggle to overcome it, and everything you need to know (and do!) to pass this hurdle.

The course draws on exposure therapy through the model of Comfort, Stretch and Panic Zones. It gives climbers the tools they need to be able to assess how they’re feeling while climbing so they can work on expanding their Comfort Zone.

The 5-Step Process to Finally
Overcome Fear of Falling

Hazel has coached thousands of climbers through overcoming fear of falling. She combines her deep understanding of climber psychology with years of practical experience in a proven, step-by-step process. You can be liberated from your fear of falling so you can climb with confidence and have fun in the process!

Take Control of Your Climbing Journey
You can shape your climbing experience starting now! Hazel will show you how your climbing journey is completely within your own control. You’ll deeply understand your current mindset, fear, and triggers. With this, you’ll be empowered to set your own climbing goals – and the path to get there!

Build Self-Awareness
Develop a keen awareness of your emotional and physical responses while climbing. This awareness is the foundation for overcoming fear. You’ll recognize the signs of stress and know exactly how to calibrate your practice and climbs accordingly.

Actually Understand What Happens Inside You
Learn the science behind stress, fear, and trauma and how it impacts your climbing and your everyday life. This model will allow you to understand your Comfort Zone and take on challenges without discomfort.

Implement Fall Practice And Eradicate Your Fear of Falling
Structured Fall Practice is the ultimate antidote to fear of falling. But it needs to be done right! Here all prior steps will come together and with Hazel’s approach to fall practice you’ll be able to see changes after just one session.

Build Your Ongoing Fall Routine - Stay in Great Mental Shape and Continue to Grow
New crag? New gym? New route? With your new fall routine, you’ll be able to face any new situation, assess your comfort, and know exactly how to deal with any stress or fear that comes up for you.

Following This Tested System,
You Will Consistently Be Able To:

Be Fully Engaged in the Climbing Experience
When your mind is dominated by fear, it’s nearly impossible to concentrate on the climb in front of you. With the tools and techniques Hazel shares, you’ll learn how to keep fear in check, allowing you to fully engage with each climb. This means more deliberate movements, better and safer decision-making, and a deeper connection with the rock.

Strengthen the Relationship with Your Belayer and Climbing Partner
The relationship between you and your belayer is essential to managing fear. You’ll learn how to build trust and communication with your belayer. As a result you’ll understand each other better and you’ll feel safer and more comfortable on the wall.

Feel Empowered to Try New and More Challenging Climbs
As you overcome your fear, you’ll feel a newfound sense of empowerment. Suddenly, the routes that once seemed intimidating will become opportunities for growth. You’ll be excited to push your limits, knowing you have the skills to handle whatever comes your way.

Have More Fun!
Climbing should be fun, and fear often gets in the way of that. By addressing the mental blocks holding you back, this course helps you rediscover the joy of climbing. With less anxiety and more confidence, you’ll find yourself having more fun on the wall, enjoying every aspect of your climbing journey.

Each lesson of the course builds upon another. First optimally preparing you and honing your skills off the wall, so you’re ready and well-equipped when you begin your Structured Fall Practice. And once you start your fall practice (especially in such a deliberate and prepared way), you’ll typically make massive progress right in your first session.

Here’s What You’ll Learn Inside

Module 0: Introduction

  • You’re Not Alone: Discover why fear of falling is more common than you think—and how to conquer it alongside thousands of fellow climbers.
  • Maximize Your Growth: How to leverage homework, reflective questions, and self-recorded videos for faster and more effective fall practice.
  • Self-Awareness Techniques: How to check in with your psychology at key moments to ensure you can perfectly calibrate your fall practice.
  • Journaling Insights: How journaling can uncover hidden fears and lead to breakthroughs in your climbing journey.
  • Meditation for Climbing: The role of meditation in calming your mind before fall practice.
  • Meaningful Conversations: Why talking about your mental training with others can solidify your learning and boost your confidence. (Including specific conversation prompts!)
  • Commitment to Yourself: You’ll set climbing goals, make a commitment, and learn to hold yourself accountable.

Module 1: Mindset

  • Mindset Shifts: Learn the exact mindset shifts that top climbers use to push through their limits.
  • Ownership is Power: How taking full responsibility for your climbing can transform your experience on the wall.
  • The Courage to Change: Why overcoming the fear of falling starts with letting go of limiting beliefs like “I’m an anxious climber.”
  • Fixed vs. Growth: Discover the subtle ways a fixed mindset could be sabotaging your fall practice.
  • Science of New Experiences: What research reveals about why practicing new, challenging experiences is critical for growth.

Module 2: Knowledge and Understanding

  • The Science of Fear: A simple explanation of the science behind stress and fear that will change how you approach fall practice.
  • Avoiding Pitfalls: The common mistakes that cause fall practice to fail and how to avoid them.
  • The Role of Ego: Why ego-driven decisions during fall practice can set you back—and how to check your ego at the door.
  • Harnessing Your Nervous System: How to take control of your fear response and stop being ruled by anxiety on the wall.
  • Trauma and Phobia: Understanding trauma and phobia—so you can confront and overcome them in your climbing journey.
  • Positive vs. Negative Stress: How to distinguish between eustress (helpful) and distress (harmful) and use this knowledge to optimize your climbing.
  • Comfort Zone Expansion: Learn the secrets to gradually expanding your Comfort Zone for greater climbing confidence.
  • Tune Into Your Body: How the B.E.S.T. method (Breath, Eyes, Sensations, Tension) can help you accurately assess your stress levels during fall practice.

Module 3: Falling

  • Safety First: Essential tips to ensure your fall practice is both safe and effective—don’t miss these!
  • Normalizing Fear: Why fear of falling is a natural response — as well as the fears connected to falling such as fear of injury, belayer error, equipment error, exposure, and heights.
  • Control Through Knowledge: How understanding the mechanics of falling can reduce your fear and build your confidence.
  • Injury vs. Fear: Why most climbers confuse fear of injury with fear of falling—and how to distinguish between the two.
  • Personal Risk Profile: Why assessing your personal risk tolerance is essential for safe and enjoyable climbing.
  • Effective Fall Practice: The step-by-step fall practice routine that will build your confidence and reduce fear.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Simple relaxation exercises to make falling less stressful and more controlled.
  • Terrain-Specific Techniques: Learn the unique skills required for falling on different terrains like slabs, roofs, and overhangs.
  • The Role of the Belayer: The essential belaying techniques to ensure every fall is as gentle as possible, including expert tips on positioning yourself for optimal safety and managing the challenges of significant weight differences between climber and belayer.
  • Stage-by-Stage Progression: A clear, progressive approach to fall practice that ensures psychological and physical safety.

Module 4: Ongoing Practice

  • Bridging the Gap: How ongoing practice helps you transition from controlled fall practice to real-world climbing scenarios.
  • Advanced Challenges: How to safely introduce more complex fall scenarios into your practice routine.
  • Dynamic Moves: Learn the art of falling during dynamic moves and in awkward body positions to further push your limits.
  • Venue Variation: Why practicing falls in different environments is key to becoming a more versatile and confident climber.
  • Belayer-Controlled Falls: A powerful exercise to master the unpredictability of real falls in a controlled environment.
  • Recognize Danger Zones: Learn to identify when and where it’s not safe to fall—and what to do instead.
  • Mental Tools: How to manage stress in situations where falling isn’t an option to keep climbing safely.
  • Overcoming Setbacks: Special considerations for dealing with trauma or injury-related fear in climbing.
  • Troubleshooting Tips: Solutions for common challenges that might arise in your fall practice journey.

4 Special Bonuses

This isn’t just a collection of static videos and text; it’s a comprehensive system built to support and engage you throughout your journey.

That’s why we’ve included some special bonuses to make sure you have all the support you need through the process.

Bonus #1: How to Use Video to Analyze Your Falls

Unlock the power of video analysis to elevate your fall practice. By learning how to review your own footage, you’ll be able to pinpoint areas of improvement and identify hidden tension in your body.

Learn how to correct these issues for smoother, safer falls and create a continuous feedback loop to accelerate your progress.


Bonus #1: How to Use Video to Analyze Your Falls


Bonus #2: The Belaying Brief

Bonus #2: The Belaying Brief

We’ve created a dedicated page with everything your belayer needs to say and do to support you. Simply copy and paste the link and send it to your friend, and they will know exactly how to help you on your journey to overcome fear of falling.

Don’t have a belayer? Tap into the Altitude Community and find belayers around the world who are equally as excited to work on fear of falling with you!

Bonus #3: “The Perfect Fall” Guidebook

In this companion workbook, you’ll get a series of prompts, questions, and reflection exercises that will guide you to the exact right challenge level each time you practice falling – making sure you’re always in the right “zone” when you do take a fall.


Bonus #3: “The Perfect Fall” Guidebook


Bonus #4: Exclusive Altitude Community

Bonus #4: Exclusive Altitude Community

When you join this course, you’ll get to connect with other passionate climbers inside a private community.

  • Share your progress, discuss course lessons, and get encouragement from like-minded climbers.
  • Get feedback on your falling technique and exchange lessons and insights with others in the community, so you can improve even faster.
  • Make friends with people from every corner of the world, who love climbing just like you.

Enroll in Overcome Fear
of Falling

When you enroll in the course, you get lifetime access to all course materials.

What’s included:

  • 30+ in-depth video lessons, coaching sessions, and demonstrations
  • Bonus #1: How to Use Video to Analyze Your Falls
  • Bonus #2: Belayer Brief
  • Bonus #3: “The Perfect Fall” Guidebook
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive Altitude Community

Plus, you’ll be backed by our 14-day money-back guarantee.

One payment of $249 (USD)


Three payments of $99 (USD)


Our 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We want to give you the chance to try the course for yourself and start seeing the effects it has on your climbing – without any strings attached.

That’s why you can watch the whole course 100% risk-free (and then decide if it’s a good fit for you or not).

If you find the course isn’t a good fit, simply email us within 14 days and we’ll return your full purchase price, no questions asked.


What Climbers Have to Say
About the Course:

“The Fear of Falling Course has transformed my relationship with fear, negative emotions, situations, and most notably, myself. Never before have I been able to ingrain the belief that progressing slowly and patiently through self-awareness and self-kindness was the way to unlock hidden potential. This shift in how, where and with whom I seek growth, push myself (or not), and become ever more aware of my capabilities and limitations so that I can keep improving in a sustainable way, is a game changer for not just climbing, but life itself.” - Crystal D.

“Course was very well organized and structured. It helped me to be more self aware not only in climbing but in general. I'm sure this course would be very helpful for those people who want to improve mental game in climbing. Thanks all the Altitude team for great work!” - George G.

“Before taking the course I felt like my climbing hadn't improved in a couple of years because fear was holding me back. The course, although expensive, was an investment to break through that fear and to find fun again in challenging myself! I was amazed at how accessible the course is. Now I feel like I am more in control and I can take full advantage of my climbing sessions. Thank you!” - Coraline R.

“A great course to get you on track with overcoming the fear of falling! I learned so many things that I can now take with me to boost my confidence and open up new possibilities with routes I can now feel confident to take on.” - Chris M.

Watch a short compilation from the climbers on set…

Each of the climbers featured in the course was handpicked for their unique climbing abilities and relationship with fear of falling so you can find at least one climber similar to you in the course.

Here’s what they had to say about working with Hazel:


Questions and Answers about Hazel’s Fear of Falling Course

Almost all climbers (at all levels) experience fear. There isn’t a specific level or grade you’ll reach and become immune to the psychological challenges of climbing. In fact, the fear may hold you back even more as you progress in your climbing journey. Trying new things, going from inside to outside, and climbing in a new location or with new people can all trigger strong fear responses.

Inside the course, Hazel dives into the nuances of falling in specific situations – bouldering, lead climbing, top-roping, and more

And even if you’re at a beginner level, this course can be the best possible way to build a strong mental foundation, avoid bad experiences, and stay safe in your climbing journey.

The course comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee, so you can always check it out and see if it’s the right fit for you. If not, just let us know within 14 days and we’ll return your full purchase price.


Is This Course Right for You?

You will know if Hazel Findlay’s Fear of Falling course is a good fit for you if…

  • You’ve been avoiding certain routes because fear of falling is always in the back of your mind, holding you back from trying harder climbs.
  • You’ve tried taking practice falls before, but they left you more anxious than confident, and you’re not sure what went wrong.
  • You believe that being mentally prepared is just as important as physical strength in climbing, but you’re not sure how to develop that mental resilience.
  • You’ve experienced a fall that shook your confidence, and now you find yourself hesitating or overthinking every move, afraid it might happen again.
  • You’re tired of feeling tense and stressed out when you’re on the wall, and you want to learn how to relax and enjoy your climbs.
  • You understand that overcoming fear of falling is a process, and you’re ready to commit to learning the techniques and mindset shifts needed to climb with more confidence and less anxiety.
  • You want to improve your climbing, not just by building strength, but by mastering the mental game that allows you to push your limits without fear holding you back.

If any of the above sounds familiar to you, then we are confident that Hazel’s course will be the perfect next step in your climbing journey.

Join now and get lifetime access to:

  • 30+ in-depth video climbing lessons, coaching sessions, and demonstrations
  • Bonus #1: How to Use Video to Analyze Your Falls
  • Bonus #2: Belayer Brief
  • Bonus #3: “The Perfect Fall” Guidebook
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive Altitude Community

Plus, you’ll be backed by our 14-day money-back guarantee.

One payment of $249 (USD)


Three payments of $99 (USD)


The Hidden Costs of Fear of

Fear can truly rob us of the most fun parts of climbing!

Because so many climbers are worried about sharing when they’re afraid, we end up with a misconception that we’re in the minority. That somehow “real climbers” aren’t afraid. That we’re “weak-minded” or have a disposition that doesn’t work for climbing.

Fear of falling is one of the most innate human fears. It comes built in!

Somehow, we expect ourselves to be able to manage fear of falling before we’ve ever trained those skills.

The result is that we view other people as “cut out” for climbing and wonder if maybe we’re not built the same way.

And the cost of this is so high.

You Miss Out on Epic Experiences

“My best friend does multi-pitch climbing all the time, and from when I got him into climbing he has wanted to do half dome with me. He’s done it dozens of times but my fear has kept me from being there.” - Anders, Climbing 14 years

When fear of falling dominates your climbing experience, it can cause you to shy away from opportunities that push your limits or introduce you to new, exciting routes.

You might avoid climbing trips or challenging routes, missing out on the camaraderie and shared experiences that make climbing so rewarding. The fear can isolate you, keeping you from connecting with others who share your passion and drive.

You Never Know Your True Potential
Fear of falling can act as a ceiling on your climbing potential, preventing you from truly pushing your limits. When fear dictates your choices on the wall, you may find yourself sticking to easier routes, avoiding challenges that could help you grow as a climber.

In fact, any physical training you do is wasted if you cannot climb to your limit. Overcoming this fear is essential to unlocking your full potential, allowing you to embrace the challenges and reach heights you never thought possible.

Ironically, You Increase Your Risk of Injury
Ironically, the very fear that’s meant to protect you can increase your risk of injury. Climbing demands a clear mind and precise control of your body, especially when facing difficult moves.

When fear takes over, it can lead to hesitation, overgripping, or poor decision-making, all of which increase the likelihood of bad falls. Instead of keeping you safe, fear can make you more vulnerable to injury. By learning to manage and overcome this fear, you can climb with a calm, focused mind, reducing your risk and enhancing your overall safety on the wall.

And perhaps the greatest cost is when the fear becomes so overwhelming that, in the quiet moments after a particularly tough session, you consider giving up climbing altogether.

“Actually, when I was younger, I almost gave up climbing altogether because my fear of falling became that uncomfortable. It really took a lot of the fun away from climbing for me. Luckily, I stayed with climbing and I persevered with it, but it was a difficult time. If I’d known then what I now know, it really wouldn’t have been a difficult time. I would’ve been able to manage my fear of falling right away.” - Hazel Findlay

This is a heartbreaking reality that we don’t want any climber to face.

Which of these hidden costs are you willing to pay?

If you decide not to work on fear of falling now, what will change for you?

Maybe the answer is that actually nothing will change. Then ask yourself—is that something you want? Do you want to continue climbing in a way where you’re held back?

You can have more incredible climbing experiences, challenge yourself in new ways, and have so much more fun.

And you can start now.

We can’t wait to see what you do next!
